Online Registration
In an effort to save time for our customers and trees for the environment I think we should look to offering as many of our programs online as possible. After having worked though putting preschool registration online it would be very easy to offer a majority of our payment planned based activities available for online registration.
Going along with that Kids Connection and Preschool currently utilize the ePACT program. This website houses all of the heath and emergency information for a specific individual. This could be information that is shared across departments. For example my daughter Ciara has attended kids connection her ePACT includes emergency contacts authorized pick up individuals and any important health information. She is also part of Dance Company if dance was also using the ePACT website they could view this information online. I as a parent would only have to complete the ePACT process once and if all of our departments were utilizing ePACT that information could be viewed as soon as I registered her for an activity or program.
Parents would not need to fill out this information multiple times and would would not have to keep track of paperwork.
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Some of the other perks of ePACT are:
ePACT has worked really well for Kid's Connection and Preschool. Let us know if you have any questions.
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That sounds like a really cool idea!