
Podcast Club

Cori Veverka 5 years ago updated 4 years ago 13

I listen to a lot of podcasts, and I often come across things that are incredibly applicable to the work we do.

Is anyone interested in a monthly Podcast Club (like a Book Club) where we listen to a certain podcast on our own, and then get together to discuss it over lunch?

Here are a few of my favorites that we could tap into to start:

Image 65

Neat idea. Keep me posted!

Under review

Thanks for another great idea Cori.

Sounds like a great way to get together and Collaborate.  Lets see who we can put together to organize some dates and times.


We are going to give this a whirl!

Podcast Club

Last Thursday of the Month at Lunch (For starters. Totally negotiable if other days/times work better for more people)

First Meeting – January 30 at 11:30am, Prairie Point Loft (Lunch and Chat)

First Podcast: Alan Alda’s Clear + Vivid

Season 1, Episode 1: Sarah Silverman and the Joy of Enjoying People You Don’t Agree With

Release Date: 07/10/2018

Alan Alda talks with comedian Sarah Silverman about how she befriended someone who was hateful toward her on Twitter, and how her new series on Hulu challenges her to connect with people that she doesn’t agree with. Her question to us is “Can Americans put down their “porcupine needles” and really listen to one another again?”

Listen to the podcast and be ready to dive into discussion on disagreeing and compassion. Be prepared to answer 7 short questions!

Hope to see you this Thursday for Podcast Club! Come prepared with other topics you would like to cover next time :)

Great idea! Looking forward to the first Podcast at the end of this month!

A few of us had a great discussion yesterday! We will be meeting again on Thursday, March 5th from 12:30-1:30pm at Prairie Point. We welcome suggestions for topics to cover via podcast and hope more people join us in March!


This is one of the great things the Professor loves about the Lab.

Sometimes we act as the conduit between the idea makers and the doers, other times it just happens on its own.

Thanks Cori for the great suggestion....and thanks Cori for making things happen.  The Professor thinks that is one of the cool things about the Oswegoland Park District is empowerment.

We hope the club keeps meeting regularly and make sure to send us the dates and times.  The Professor would love to come by and take a listen with everyone.

Be on the lookout for your A.T.O.M.

Podcast Club Meeting #2

Thursday, March 5 at 11:30am, Prairie Point Loft (Lunch and Chat)

Focus 3 Podcast - https://www.focus3.com/podcast, #59 – How to Have Great Meetings (31:22)

Listen to the podcast and be ready to dive into discussion on effective Meetings.

Our 3rd podcast will be Armchair Expert episode #179 with Chris Voss https://armchairexpertpod.com/pods/chris-voss 

I am looking forward to our next gathering of the Podcast Club. See you at Prairie Point at 12:30pm on Thursday, March 5.

Prior to the meeting:

  • Listen to the Focus 3 Podcast #59: How to Have Great Meetings
  • Review the 10 tips (as listed below with the timestamp of when they are covered in the podcast)

9:10 #1 Only hold a meeting if it's necessary
10:13 #2 Establish and follow meeting success criteria
11:33 #3 Have clear objectives
11:48 #4 Have an agenda
13:09 #5 Provide all necessary info prior to meeting
13:42 #6 Meeting participants: Arrive on time, be prepared, be concise, don't ramble
23:23 #7 Follow the agenda
25:36 #8 Notes are taken, archived, and kept
26:17 #9 Decisions and assigned actions are appointed to people
26:38 #10 Review meeting effectiveness periodically

  • Think about how they apply to meetings you have run and/or meetings you have attended

Podcast Club Agenda
Thursday, March 5

Intro & Welcome (2 min)

Group Discussion (30-45 minutes)

Wrap up (5 min)

Podcast Club Meeting #3

Thursday, October 22 at 11:30am, Prairie Point Loft (Lunch and Chat)

Armchair Expert episode #179 with Chris Voss https://armchairexpertpod.com/pods/chris-voss

This was our pick for the next episode back in the spring. 

Listen to the podcast (it is a longer one, but we have a month to get through it) and be ready for discussion!

Hope to see some of you tomorrow!