

Kimberly Rutkowski 6 years ago updated by Professor of Innovation 5 years ago 4

I would like to look into bottle filling stations to replace current water fountains


We were JUST discussing this at a Wellness Committee meeting today! I think it is an awesome idea to benefit staff and the community.

This was suggested by Dave Hubrick years ago - it would be a solution to never run out of bottles and over time the expense for the stations would be covered by not paying for the ongoing service.


Thanks for the great idea Kimberly.

Our Wellness Committee already appears to start rolling on your suggestion and the discussions for this are taking place.  We will keep you all updated as the process moves along.

Keep the great ideas coming.


Hey Kim,

Not sure if you heard, but this is going to happen.  Look for new fountains to be in some of our locations very soon.

Thanks for your great idea and you should be receiving your A.T.O.M. shortly.

Can't wait to see what your next great suggestion is.